2009-10-27 08:54:01 UTC
I am trying to establish a direct database connection from processes running
on the AOS, these are all 64-bit.
Oracle 64bit client components installed
Oracle ODAC components installed
User and System DSNs created using Oracle 64bit driver and connection tested
When I try to add an AOT reference to the Oracle.DataAccess components
(which are in GAC, copied over to bin on server and bin on client etc), these
are added successfully however when I try to use the reference Ax does not
find the components. I have tried 3 versions of the ODAC to no avail.
System.Data.OracleClient does not work very well from 64 bit machines, I
have installed 64bit .NET framework components, referenced the correct .dll
in the AOT but yet a TNS timeout occurs.
I have then tried using the CCADO classes - although the string is correct I
get error "Requested operation requires an OLE DB Session object, which is
not supported by the current provider." when the CCADOcommand object points
to the CCADOConnection object.
Next I tried using the ODBCconnection and LoginProperty classes but I
recieve error "Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
Is there anyone out there who has managed successfully to get data from an
Oracle backend from a code being run on a 64bit machine? ANY IDEAS are
Cheers, John.
on the AOS, these are all 64-bit.
Oracle 64bit client components installed
Oracle ODAC components installed
User and System DSNs created using Oracle 64bit driver and connection tested
When I try to add an AOT reference to the Oracle.DataAccess components
(which are in GAC, copied over to bin on server and bin on client etc), these
are added successfully however when I try to use the reference Ax does not
find the components. I have tried 3 versions of the ODAC to no avail.
System.Data.OracleClient does not work very well from 64 bit machines, I
have installed 64bit .NET framework components, referenced the correct .dll
in the AOT but yet a TNS timeout occurs.
I have then tried using the CCADO classes - although the string is correct I
get error "Requested operation requires an OLE DB Session object, which is
not supported by the current provider." when the CCADOcommand object points
to the CCADOConnection object.
Next I tried using the ODBCconnection and LoginProperty classes but I
recieve error "Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
Is there anyone out there who has managed successfully to get data from an
Oracle backend from a code being run on a 64bit machine? ANY IDEAS are
Cheers, John.