Displaying values from multiple datasources in Ax grid
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2010-09-09 05:59:03 UTC
I have to display a list of values from multiple tables in a grid in EP page.
Iam unable to filter the values properly (values are repeating in the grid
Can anyone suggest how do we provide join source I created a data set which
involves all the tables and tried innerjoin and active but iam unable to
filter the data properly.
thanks in advance
2010-09-10 06:59:03 UTC
Are all the data duplicated, or ontly columns from one of the data types?
Also, are the tables related in the Data Dictionary?

(Is it std ax tables or custom tables?)
Post by gang
I have to display a list of values from multiple tables in a grid in EP page.
Iam unable to filter the values properly (values are repeating in the grid
Can anyone suggest how do we provide join source I created a data set which
involves all the tables and tried innerjoin and active but iam unable to
filter the data properly.
thanks in advance
2010-09-15 13:01:03 UTC
I'm afraid you won't be able to do it this way. Check salesLines grid on
SalesTable form - you can display there fields form inventDim, but sorting on
them won't work at all (or maybe I'm unaware of something;)).

If you need only display-only grid, then maybe you should consider using
view instead.

Post by gang
I have to display a list of values from multiple tables in a grid in EP page.
Iam unable to filter the values properly (values are repeating in the grid
Can anyone suggest how do we provide join source I created a data set which
involves all the tables and tried innerjoin and active but iam unable to
filter the data properly.
thanks in advance